Booklet from Milan E. Miller,
Svc Co, 32 AR, 3AD, WWII
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As told in 1976 by Andrew Barr,
formerly Lt. Col., 3AD, Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, WWII

[Below is the full text of Barr's 28-page booklet, which was printed in 1976, with Barr as sole author and publisher. It contained no photos or illustrations and was converted to digital text by Web Staff in 2004.]



On 7 December 1974, Frank Woolner wrote to me. His opening paragraph referred to Pearl Harbor and is of no importance to this document, but the following paragraphs of his letter, if condensed, would deprive the reader of the flavor of Frank's request to me. Quoted in full, they may explain why it has taken me so long to reach a decision to attempt as complete an account as I can put together with the help of other members of the team who saw the project through to completion. Woolner's questions cannot be answered in a few words. Here is the challenge:

"Okay, it's a long time ago. Now I am getting copies of the new 3AD publication [Spearhead Newspaper] out of Germany, and although I have told these scissorbills on three separate occasions that I wrote only the narrative history of Spearhead In The West, they continue to give me credit for scribbling the whole bloody thing.

"I think it's high time for me to write a newsletter piece for our own association newsletter and set the facts straight.

"It seems to me that a Major Murray Fowler was responsible for the second half of the book, the after-action report. I know Davison was the cartographer, and Meth the cartoonist - with an assist from Garner.

"Please set me straight on the original conception. Who decided we needed a history? Who should be credited for specific work on it? Who did the final editing and wrap-up? I know you were the ramrod, but there must have been others who labored hard and long. Let's give them full marks.

"From what I hear and read, that book is now considered a sort of collector's item, one of the best - if not the best - of all combat' division histories. Sure, I am proud of my contribution, and I am sure you are proud of the fact that you pushed it to completion.

"Let's once and for all set this minor point of history straight. Give me all of the background information you have and I will prepare an acknowledgement. We owe that to old soldiers, broke in the wars."


The Third Armored Division's last day in combat was April 24, 1945. We took up our role of occupation duty with division headquarters at Sangerhausen on the following day, after being relieved by the 9th Infantry Division.

On the 13th of May headquarters moved to the southern outskirts of Darmstadt and soon after that highpoint veterans started going home. It is quite likely that sometime in May serious thought was given to publishing a history - probably sparked by Brigadier General Doyle O. Hickey or Colonel John A. Smith, Jr.

Now, as the various fighting formations initiated unit histories, it became evident that there was considerable interest in the subject throughout the division. This immediate post-war interest naturally was welcome as a message of pride at division headquarters - but execution depended on conquering the difficulties of composition, printing, and distribution. If it was to be done, we wanted it right.

Spearhead In The West, the combat history of the Third Armored Division, was not and is not a philosophic reflection composed after the troops came home and the war was ended. It is a factual summary of a complete record compiled as of 2400 hours each night on the basis of reports received from combat groups, as well as administrative units, during the previous 24 hours. Thus, the focus of interest in the composition of the record of accomplishment of the living and of the dead of the division was necessarily concentrated on the division and its' staffs in whose offices reposed the primary materials for the history.

A number of ways to finance this history were considered. One was to organize a historical association and to raise funds by subscription. To test this idea a questionnaire was circulated to all units to determine the demand for copies, assuming various prices per copy. The writing under this plan could be done either in Europe before transfer to another theatre of war or by contract with personnel willing to undertake the work on return to the United States. We learned later that these options were adopted by some divisions with which we had been associated in action.

We had published two pocket-sized booklets for distribution to our division's troops in Europe. The first, "Call Me Spearhead," was written immediately after the Siegfried Line crossing, and it was printed in Paris. The second, "Spearheading With The Third Armored Division," covered the entire route in brief, and was printed in Germany. Both were produced by the Dugan-Woolner-Davison team.

While the debate was going on over the larger project, it was learned that a history book could be published under similar authority, but two questions had to be answered. Could we get the proposed book ready for publication before key personnel were to be rotated home or the team was moved from Europe? If so, could we get the necessary materials?

Paragraph 2, Sec V of ETOUSA Cir. 86, 25 June 1945 contained the authority, but with a qualification:

"The publication of unit newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and/or unit histories or stories in pamphlet or book form by divisions or similar units of the field and air forces and by Communication Zone Sections is authorized, within the limits of availability of paper and printing or other reproduction facilities."

In considering this option it was necessary to provide for mailing copies of the book to all personnel of the division, which indicated that 25,000 to 30,000 copies would be required. To determine the feasibility of the project, General Hickey dispatched Colonel Smith and me to European Theatre Headquarters (ETOUSA) at Frankfurt-am-Main to explore the matter. The result was favorable - the project would be approved and assistance given in locating paper and other supplies, and companies capable of setting the type for offset reproduction, offset printing and binding. General Hickey's decision was to get the job done in Germany at no cost to division personnel. So work was started in earnest during the last week of June, 1945.

The remaining problem was - who could produce the book? Fortunately we had talent available who, despite eligibility to return home under the point system which had been published about that time, were willing to stay to do the work.

With the decision made to proceed, we faced an important issue of style. Should the book be an expansion of the popular writing style used by Dugan and Woolner in the two pocket-books or should the complete story be scholarly and well documented? Advocates of the newspaperman's style maintained that the book was for the men and their families - a record of what they had done, with as much detail of individual exploits as could be captured. The historian's approach would produce a document based on official records and would be made as accurate as it could be made. The final decision was to do both, as all recipients of Spearhead know.


Division of the writing effort was no problem. Major Haynes W. Dugan, assistant G-2, was a professional newspaperman and had been press relations officer during combat, and Sgt. Frank M. Woolner had been the principal gatherer of action stories to be sent through channels to hometown newspapers. Dugan had received a number of commendations on the quality and quantity of this material. Dugan and Woolner had produced the two pocket-books, so much material was available in the G-2 files for this part of the book. As this work was getting under way, Dugan learned that his father was seriously ill. Dugan was needed at home, so he was ordered to go, and Woolner assumed full responsibility for this section and remained on the job until the writing was completed and printers' proofs were read.

Major Murray H. Fowler, a member of Lt. Colonel Wesley A. Sweat's G-3 staff and under Sweat's supervision, wrote the Official Record of Combat which was based largely on G-3 after action reports and staff journals. Fowler's painstaking effort provided a general account of division and unit, as opposed to individual activities. As indicated above, some of the planners of the book thought this part was not the way to do the work. The compromise solution, approved by General Hickey, paid off, as correspondence after the war, quoted below, indicates. Major General Robert W. Grow, our last commander, suggested that copies of the history be sent to certain officers in the Pentagon. One of these was Kent Roberts Greenfield, a professional historian, who at that time was a Lt. Colonel Infantry and Chief, Historical Section, Army War College. His letter to me soon after receiving the book contains two paragraphs:

"Thanks very much for sending us a copy of Spearhead In The West. There are several features of it which impress me very favorably. The selection of pictures is superior. What I have read of the text is high grade writing. The addition of the G-3 Supplement, with operational map sketches, seems to me an excellent idea. I should think such a book as this would be an invaluable possession to anyone who fought with the 3rd Armored.

"One of the pictures I should like very much to have for use in our volume on training in 1941 under GHQ is the one of a crew using a wooden gun at Camp Polk (p. 42 lower right). Could you tell me how to get hold of a glossy print, or a negative, of this picture? We should be very grateful."

I responded to the request by giving him Davison's address in Germany. Davison must have sent it on to Woolner who supplied the picture (he is one of the men in it) as I learned from another letter from Greenfield which included this paragraph:

"As we show the history of your division to various officers at the headquarters, which, under General Devers, is rich in armor, it has received many compliments. Just now the C/S, General Hasbrouck, is looking at it."

Two other references to official citation of our history seem appropriate at this point.

"Other headquarters published unofficial histories. Many of these tend to be little more than mementos for members of the command, strong on photographs, personal anecdotes, and a well-earned pride of unit accomplishment. Notable exceptions are the Combat Record of the Sixth Armored Division (Commanded by Major General Robert W. Grow), the 314th Infantry Regiment's Through Combat, the 3rd Armored Division's Spearhead In The West, Robert L. Hewitt's Work Horse of the Western Front: the Story of the 30th Division, and Conquer, the Story of the Ninth U.S. Army, 1944-1945.

The above paragraph is taken from the Bibliographical Note, p. 707, Breakout and Pursuit by Martin Blumenson in U.S. Army in World War II, European Theatre of Operations, Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, 1961. Another reference is found in Charles B. MacDonald, The Siegfried Line Campaign, in the same history series, 1963. On Page 73, which has a picture captioned "Task Force Lovelady passes through the dragon's teeth near Roetgen, 15 September", footnote 20 reads:

"The 3rd Armored Division story is from official records, plus an authoritative unit history. Spearhead In The West (Frankfurt-am-Main: Franz Joseph Heurich, 1945)."

We were fortunate indeed that at division headquarters we had men with talent and experience in publishing. The natural leader of this production team was T/4 Glen A. "Reprobate" Davison who in private life had been a designer of college and high school year books and was thoroughly familiar with the requirements of offset printing. The realistic dust wrapper, story-telling end papers and other art work carry the signature of Cpl. John Garner. The end papers are proof that an old Chinese saying, "One picture is worth a thousand words," is accurate. PFC Harry Meth added a light touch here and there with his cartoons, as well as assisting in drafting and composition. T/4 Robert L. "Mac" MacHose assisted Davison throughout on operational sketches and other draftsmen's work. These men departed as their work was completed.

I think it fair to say that all of the team played some part in the selection of pictures from a large collection. These were the work of 1st Lt. Thomas S. Noble, Jr.'s U.S. Army Signal Corps Unit assigned to the division's 143rd Armored Signal Company, T/5 Marvin H. "Mad Russian" Mischnick of the divisions's G-2 staff, and Sgt. Woolner who, a peacetime journalist, carried his own camera and snapped thousands of photos from Camp Polk to the end of the European campaign.

Two other indispensable members of our team must be mentioned. T/Sgt. Gerhard S. Schachne (now Sharon) who was a member of Mil No. 418-G and had distinguished himself while serving with Lt. Colonel Yeomans in the 83rd Recon. Bn., joined our little group as interpreter and performed other duties as required. He was with the Colonel when he was killed during our last days of combat. PFC Carl C. Bonebright, who was low on points and therefore not eligible for demobilization, was assigned to Colonel Sweat and me as driver of the sedan put at our disposal when the division was inactivated. On one occasion, returning from Frankfurt on the autobahn to Heidelberg, it was Bonebright's skillful driving that kept us from going over the embankment when a steering knuckle parted. Field expedients in the form of Colonel Sweat's belt (in Model-T days it would have been baling wire) held us together in slow motion until we reached a motor pool.

The writing was well along by the time the division was ordered to move its headquarters to Aalen. About this time General Grow, after his 6th Armored Division was deactivated, arrived to take command of the 3rd Armored for what proved to be the last days of its WWII life. It may be said here that we had been living under the usual cloud of rumors that we would be moved to the Pacific Theatre of operations for the assault on Japan. It was this situation prior to V-J Day that caused us to adopt the title Spearhead In The West as we thought there might be a sequel - Spearhead In The East. After V-J Day the uncertainty that remained was whether we would be ordered home as a unit to parade up Fifth Avenue or would be inactivated where we were. General Grow did his best to convince higher headquarters that we should go home as a unit but to no avail.

General Grow took a keen interest in our history project. Before leaving Darmstadt necessary papers had been forwarded to the Belgian authorities to support the award of the Fourragere 1940. Time was getting short with no indication of action. Space had been reserved on appropriate pages to report the award and to tell the brief story of our inactivation ceremony. General Grow knew a colonel at our military mission in Brussels and telephoned him to explain our problem. In a memorandum dated 25 October 1945 to Chief of Staff (me) on the subject "Status of Awards," General Grow reported that all data was approved and in the hands of the Government of Belgium and that orders might be issued prior to deactivation if pressure was continuous. In the same paragraph General Grow ordered: "Send G-3 to Colonel John B. Sherman, Military Mission, Brussels." My pencil note records that G-3 [Colonel Sweat] "left 25 0930 Oct.'45."

Enroute to Brussels, Colonel Sweat, who was a perfect delegate for this mission, met 1st Lt. Daniel D. Brod in the Carlton Hotel in Frankfurt. Brod, a member of one of the division's military intelligence teams, was returning from a short leave under orders which permitted him to join Colonel Sweat to act as an interpreter. In Brussels it was learned that the award would be made and that the colors with a color guard must be present for the ceremony. While Colonel Sweat stood by in Brussels, Brod returned to Aalen where division personnel selected the tallest, finest looking color guard ever assembled and the party went to Brussels. The Fourragere was presented on 3 November 1945 and Colonel Sweat brought enough back with him so all present in the inactivation ceremony on November 9 were properly equipped. For the record, here it is interesting to note that Seventh Army's General Orders Number 632 ordering inactivation of the division at Aalen, Germany on 10 November 1945 is dated 25 October 1945.

With the inactivation of the division and the publication of the history not completed, our work unit which was reduced now to Colonel Sweat, Davison, Schachne, me, and our driver Bonebright needed a home and authority to complete our project. General Grow, with the full support of Lt. General Geoffrey Keyes, Commander of Seventh Army, arranged with Major General Withers A. Burress for our assignment to Hq. VI Corps. These arrangements were confirmed in paragraph 2 in a Third Armored Division order of 26 October 1945 , which reads as follows:

"The above named 0 and EM are atzd Govt MT to travel to Frankfurt, Germany and such other places as may be necessary to complete the history of the 3d Armd Div."

Para 3 reads: "Auth: VOCG VI Corps, APO 46 dtd 25 October 45." All of this was by command of General Grow. So on the 10th of November 1945 five of us moved to Esslingen, Germany and were housed and fed by VI Corps.

While in Aalen, two other officers contributed to the project in a most significant way. When the contracts were arranged in Frankfurt for printing and binding (the latter in Stuttgart), arrangements were made for the making of the paper for production of 30,000 copies of a history estimated to be about 250 pages in length. The paper had to be trucked from the mill south of Heidelberg to Frankfurt where each sheet had to be hung like an old fashioned diaper to dry before it could be put on the presses. In addition to this major trucking operation our headquarters company, then under Captain Gibson, whose family lived across the street from mine in Urbana, Illinois when I was in high school, had to haul briquettes to Frankfurt to keep the plate makers warm enough to work. Sweat and I contributed our cigarette rations as further inducement to progress. While the main ingredient was the paper for the 250 pages, we also had to locate the special paper for the end papers in the book: linen and cardboard for the cover, ink of several colors, glue and linen thread for the binding and scrap paper for making the boxes in which the books were to be mailed. Captain Milton Giffler, of our order of battle team who could speak German and was a good sleuth, made a substantial contribution in locating these supporting materials.

One of the principal supplies required was film for making the offset printing plates. This was in short supply and when some was ruined in carrying it from Aalen to Frankfurt in a poorly winterized jeep in bad weather, we faced a critical moment in our time table. I have a vivid recollection of Colonel Sweat's skill as a negotiator in loosening up a source of supply of this critical item. Printers had only enough plates to set up one press run of 16 pages at a time. Another division had used the same printers and had "liberated" the plates they had required, so the printer was reduced to enough for only one press run. This was why we were not able to arrange for additional printings when the 3rd Armored Division was reactivated as a training division at Fort Knox.

As printers' proofs came from the presses, Colonel Sweat and I went to Frankfurt and took up officers' quarters in the old Carlton Hotel opposite the railroad station and read the proofs and prepared the two pages of errata which you find in the back of the book. We had read the typed copy before it went to the printers. We found different spellings for the same places, failure to include a place on the map to which reference was made in the text and other types of errors none of which could be corrected on the plates from which the pages were printed. We adopted one map scale as the authority for spelling in the lists which were printed. We had some discussions as to the need for this, but the praise from the Army historians seems to justify our effort.

As an aside, I am told that all first editions suffer similar problems. An author has a mental block, or a type-setter makes a mistake. The error escapes proof-readers and is printed. The addition of errata helps, and if the work is valuable enough to be reprinted, then errors are corrected in the second edition. We were right under the gun. We tried to be accurate.

Our binder was in Stuttgart and the box maker was not far away. Another trucking operation brought printed sheets and boxes together at the binders. Here we found that somebody had made a mistake - the boxes were too tight for ease in packaging and had to be split open on one side and then sealed after insertion of the books. We may have measured less paper per book, omitted consideration of the dust jacket, or the box maker may have made an error. After 30 years, I do not know what caused this discrepancy, but the binders solved the problem.


A print order for the history, as I have noted above, was for 30,000 copies. A press over-run of 300 we insisted on taking gave us a problem of dispatching 30,300 copies before we could say we had finished the job and were free to go home. In preparation, we had arranged through Division Personnel (Lt. Colonel Robert M. Gant, Division Adjutant General, was still with us when this was started) to prepare address labels for all personnel on unit rosters, including addresses of next of kin for all KIA cases. Here we made an error which caused us some trouble when the time came to mail the books. We had used gummed labels and should have used ungummed labels as the binder would have found it easier to handle the latter type. In preparation for mailing, Sweat and I, with Schachne's assistance, sorted the labels by states and major cities so the books could be put in the mail bags by destination to avoid rehandling in the United States. Davison had been released on January 27, 1946 when the printing was completed and the first few days' deliveries from the binders were mailed. In the sorting process we found it necessary to separate quite a number of stuck labels and to re-address a few of them. As each of the books was bound, we took the labels to the binders and observed, with some satisfaction, the sacking and delivery to the army post office mail truck. This mailing by states and cities of individually addressed books totalled about 28,000.

Personnel with insufficient time to qualify for return to the states had been transferred to units remaining in Europe. To reach them, we took 150 copies to Lt. Colonel Raymond E. Dunnington of the 486th AA for men in his command still in Europe, 100 copies to Lt. Colonel Walter B. Richardson and Major John K. Walker, Jr. for men in their area near Heidelberg, and 60 copies to Lt. Kubelius of the 23rd Engineers who had gone with other engineer personnel to the 16th A. Engr. Bn. Lt. Colonel Edward S. Berry, who was at 1st Armored Division Headquarters, accepted responsibility for distribution of 400 copies and put us in touch with officers of the 58th AFA who could assure mailing of 400 copies to 991st FA personnel who had supported us so well and so long in our campaigns across Europe. We also made sure that personnel, including the general, of VI Corps received copies in recognition of the help we received from them.

During the final stages of our work, we had hoped to hear of favorable action on recommendations for a Presidential Citation for the entire division and awards for other units by France and Belgium. Every time we visited Frankfurt we checked with the awards branch, but with no satisfaction before we went to press. (The division citation, we learned later, was turned down along with all others from the European Theatre.)

We also had another objective in our visits to ETOUSA. We were convinced that our division, because of its distinguished record, would be reactivated in a short time, as actually did happen - first as a training division at Fort Knox and later as an active combat division reassigned to Germany. We tried to get somebody to agree with us and take custody of several hundred books to hold in storage for distribution at least to the cadre of the reactivated division, but nobody would listen.

This plan had been part of our estimate for the job, so when this effort failed we had a quantity of books to distribute before we could say we were finished. The solution was to send multiple copies to unit commanders and others we thought might receive requests for copies. We did not have secretarial help, so we could not write letters of explanation to each of these persons, but we were confident that they would understand. We sent 72 copies to Colonel Sweat's home and 48 to my Illinois address, as I did not know where I would be living when I got resettled at the Securities and Exchange Commission which had moved to Philadelphia for the duration. We guessed correctly that we would be principal targets for persons who heard about the history and did not receive copies. Failure to leave correct forwarding addresses with unit personnel officers probably accounted for some failures of delivery.

General Hickey, who was stationed in the Pentagon immediately after the war, sent requests he received to me after he exhausted his supply, and the Adjutant General of the Army forwarded all inquiries he received to me as I was the official historian of record. I filled these requests until the supply was exhausted. I had saved one clean copy which I presented to General Burress when he, Burress, as commander of the reactivated division, spoke to us at our reunion in St. Louis in 1955.

In addition to individual mailings to division personnel, we sent copies to our friends in England, to all war correspondents accredited to our sector, three copies each to 61 general hospitals in the United States, single copies to 43 universities and colleges with ROTC units, and to the libraries of principal cities in the United States, army service schools, service journals, general staff officers in Washington and last, but certainly not least, the President of the United States. The last delivery of books mailed from the binders was made 12 February 1946.

Before we could say we were free to leave Germany we had to make sure all bills incurred for our project had been approved for payment through proper channels. We hit a snag on one bill for the boxes. We took this in to VI Corps Hq. for approval and failed to get it. The officer we approached had been in another armored division which had organized an historical association and so was not disposed to see us get a job free even though we showed him the authority under which we worked. We left and headed for Seventh Army Headquarters where a senior warrant officer read the circular we had with us and said, "Sure, I'll approve the bill." That was the last financial obligation cleared, so we could relax.


Personnel of Division Headquarters Forward Echelon and Division Headquarters Company deserve a word about the 60-page booklet sent to each of them. [Website Staff note in 2004: It is unclear what "60-page booklet" Barr is referring to at this point.] This was conceived and executed while typesetting and printing was proceeding on the main project. Woolner provided the text, Davison the design, and the whole was put together by them with the help of Schachne, PFC Gerard Braunthal and others.

The German workmen in all of the establishments working on Spearhead In The West followed the custom of taking a holiday from before Christmas to after New Year's Day. During this period Sweat, Davison (who could ski), Bonebright and I got on a quota for a Swiss tour which took us to a ski resort (among other places) at Christmas time. Most of the snow had been melted by hot winds from Africa (a sirocco). but Davison found some in deep ravines. Sweat and I had a new experience of a ride through the village in an open sleigh during a light snowfall.

It pays to have friends in the right places at the right times. General Grow as my first Cavalry ROTC instructor when, as a Captain at the end of World War I, he was assigned to the University of Illinois to organize a cavalry unit there. General Geoffrey Keyes, commanding Seventh Army at Heidelberg while the work described here was being done, was a brigadier general commanding Combat Command No. 2 in our Camp Polk days. He was one of our most effective and understanding regular army officers in the training of reserve officers who were destined to play important roles in combat. General Roderick R. Allen, commanding 1st Armored Division at the time of our story, was Colonel commanding the 32nd Armored Regiment at Camp Polk in which Colonel Sweat was then a captain and a company commander.

Schachne had been released with our final shipment, and Colonel Sweat and I had determined to return to England to visit friends we had made there and to go to Scotland so I could face my family of Scottish ancestry when I got home. 1st Armored Division orders dated 11 February 1946, by command of Major General Allen, on authority VOCG Seventh Army 11 February 1946 granted us a furlough to the United Kingdom for ten days plus travel time effective on or about 14 February 1946. We still had the sedan and Bonebright to drive, so we packed up and headed for a channel port by way of Nuremburg where General Leroy Watson was in command of the enclave in which the trials were held. We had a pleasant visit with him, gave him a copy of the book, then on to Bamberg where we saw some of our old friends at U.S. Constabulary Headquarters, then to Paris and the port.

We returned from UK to Paris for a short stop, then to LeHavre to board SS Colby Victory for New York and Camp Kilmer, where Sweat headed for Fort Bragg for separation and I to Camp McCoy, Wisconsin. Bonebright returned to Paris with the sedan and further duty in the E.T.O.


How would our book be received by our division's veterans and their families? We felt we had done a good job and hoped for a good response. It came almost at once in various ways. I have cited some War Department praise. By coincidence a letter General Grow wrote on 11 February 1946 reached me after my return home. In a subsequent letter his opening paragraph says:

"Delighted to hear from you since your return and to learn that you and Sweat finished your job. This history is excellent and a great credit to all of you. It will become more valuable as time goes on."

Woolner wrote a long letter on 11 March 1946 of which one paragraph fits here:

"I've had a number of letters from veterans of the 3rd - all praising the book. It does look grand, although I've noted a few minor mistakes in printing. Davison's layout is beautiful, and the art work is even better than I thought it would be. My friends seem to think that the dedication is 'prima'. I was afraid that it might be too sticky."

On September 3, 1946, General Hickey wrote that he was hearing from veterans who had not received copies of the history, but he started the paragraph with a couple of sentences I want to share:

"First off, I want to tell you that I think the job you and your assistants did on the division history excels anything I've seen put out by any other unit. I've received a great number of letters from division and higher commanders to whom copies were sent in which they said most complimentary things."

A letter, dated June 28, 1946, from Davison, then still on duty in Germany - in addition to other duties, gunbearer for General Curtis LeMay who commanded Ninth Air Force in support of ground troops in Europe - has this to say about distribution of the book:

"I have had no requests for books. From one end of the States to the other, almost everyone had received their book. I told the rest that if they didn't get a copy within a month, write me. So far no requests, so I presume all got them. It surprises me."

About a year after the above notes were written I was in a dining car returning from Memphis to Washington. A soldier came up to me with a copy of the book in his hand open at the page where my picture appears. He said, "Sir, isn't this you?" I admitted it was, and asked how he happened to have the history, He had liberated a copy from the general hospital from which he had just been discharged. There should be two left unless they disappeared the same way!

One thank-you note I received I prize very much. It came from O. W. Mendell, the Master of Branford College, a residential unit of Yale University in which I was a fellow at one time. He was also Dean of Yale College, an undergraduate subdivision of the University. Commander Mendell during WW-II was first Chief of Instruction and later officer-in-charge of the Air Combat Intelligence School. He wrote and privately printed its history under the title, The Life and Times of the Air Combat Intelligence School. I sent him a copy of our history. He wrote on June 12, 1946:

"Your letter and your book were both enthusiastically welcomed. The book makes mine look like the academic twilight of an aged dean. I've never seen a more complete coverage - especially in the pictures. The story is tremendous. You certainly have a lot of proud memories."

This is from a distinguished classics scholar and a dean in a great university.

As has been said above, General Hickey and the Adjutant General of the Army, as well as others, forwarded requests for the book to me. I answered all the letters by hand and said I was sending the book. When my supply ran out, Colonel Sweat sent up some that he had left after requests to him died down. I am sure my correspondents of nearly thirty years ago will be pleased if I share their thoughts with the readers of this accounting.

We received one request to be put on the mailing list before we started mailing. It came from a sergeant in a AAA group in Germany. He said his brother had been killed in action when serving in the 36th AIR. He wrote:

"It would be a great source of comfort to my mother if she could receive a copy of the division's history, when it is printed as a memorial of her son and of the outfit with which he fought up to his death."

We wrote that we had mailed a copy to his mother and would mail him one in a few days.

One request forwarded by the Adjutant General came from a sister of a sergeant killed in action near Cherain, Belgium. She was a resident of Philadelphia living near the S. E. C. offices to which I had returned six months before. I talked to her on the telephone, learned the story - as the letter had only expressed an interest in the division - and made an appointment to deliver the book. She then asked if her father could have one too, as she would like to keep a copy. When the father put his request in writing, it was honored too.

A local veteran's office in California helped an officer of the 45th Armored Medical battalion get my address. His thanks of September 30, 1946, read:

"I am in receipt of the history of the Third Armored Division. I can only repeat what a grand job I think has been done in producing such a book. I know the value of the book will increase through the years."

The Librarian of King's School, Bruton, Somerset, wrote:

"On behalf of the school I should like to thank you very much for the gift of the book telling the heroic story of the 3rd. Armoured Division. This is not an occasion for effusiveness, but I would like to say how very warmly attached all of the people of this neighborhood are to you and your men, and we shall never forget the kindness and hospitality which you showed to us."

A request from the mother of another 36th AIR casualty resulted in a book being sent to her. A sincere thank-you note asked for help in finding members of her son's unit who knew him. With the help of others, some leads were furnished.

Another request came from a former sergeant and now a vigorous and active member of our New England contingent. His letter was quite clear:

"I fought with the 3rd Armored Division, and after VE Day was transferred to a tailor shop. My buddies have a book on the 3rd Armored Division. I would like to get one too."

An inquiry received through War Department assistance brought this thank-you note. I quote only one of its paragraphs:

"Thank you very much indeed for the really grand book, Spearhead. I cannot pretend to tell you how pleased I was to receive it. It brings back so many recollections of some of the finest men, a few of whom it was my privilege to meet at Warminster with David, who was to me, one of the finest of them all. The book helps to bring back some wonderful memories of him, and I shall prize it for many years to come, and when my small son David is old enough to read and understand it, I am sure he in his turn will appreciate the efforts behind the compiling of such a book and the history it tells."

A young lady, whose "very dear friend" served with this division and was killed in action, accomplished her mission by writing the War Department. She wrote:

"I cannot express my feelings in words how much I appreciate your sending me this book. I shall read it from cover to cover and treasure it always."

This should be enough to show that publishing our history in Germany, with delivery to all members of the division so soon after V-E Day, was a wise decision by General Hickey. Comments like these I have just quoted are the most satisfying reward the production team could have asked. I have written this story in first person only as the representative of the team that conceived and executed the writing and publishing of Spearhead In The West.

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